Family Financial Assistance Network
The Family Financial Assistance Network is a collaboration of resources that coordinates emergency financial assistance for families needing immediate help paying rent, utilities, and other necessary bills to maintain secure, safe environments for their children. For more information or to refer a family needing emergency support, please call the FACT phone: 620-947-3184 (opt. 5) or 620-877-0197. If no answer, please leave a message for us to return your call.
Click here for the family financial assistance request form.
Marion Co. Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition (SAPC)
The Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition is a task force comprised of county-wide members from 12 sectors: youth, parents, businesses, media, schools, youth-serving organizations, law enforcement agencies, religious organizations, healthcare professionals, state and local government entities, civic/volunteer groups, and other organizations involved in reducing substance abuse—all working together with the sole purpose of supporting the prevention of underage drinking and substance abuse in Marion County by doing what works to make positive change in our communities.
SAPC manages the Marion County Special Alcohol Tax Fund as well as any grants received by FACT for the coalition. Currently, the coalition has been awarded the KDADS/KPCCI Substance Abuse Prevention Grant to design a strategic plan to effectively combat drinking and substance abuse among Marion County youth. The coalition utilizes the Kansas Communities That Care Survey data which is completed by Marion County students in grades 6, 8, 10, and 12. Activities include local law enforcement extension services such as Shoulder Taps, Saturation Patrols, Cops in Shops, Alcohol Server Retailer Training, professional development for coalition members, Town Hall meetings, and any other events/activities that promote healthy behaviors for youth. The Special Alcohol Tax Fund is available to schools, groups, youth centers, etc. who are working to prevent underage drinking. Any group wanting to apply for funds must complete a request form and submit it to SAPC for approval.
For more information, to join the coalition, or to get a requisition form for the alcohol tax fund, please call us for information.
Early Childhood Task Force (ECTF)
The Marion County Early Childhood Task Force is a collaboration of organizations, programs, and services working together to assist Marion County families in meeting the needs of their young children. The collaboration includes representatives from…
- Parents As Teachers
- Infant-Toddler Services
- Early Intervention Services
- Marion County Health Department
- St. Luke’s Hospital and Clinic
- Families and Communities Together, Inc.
- Safe Hope
- Prairie View Mental Health Center
- Kansas State Research and Extension Office
- Core Community Marion County
- Mirrors, Inc.
- Healthy Families
- Head Start
- Wee Care
- Main Street Ministries
- Mid-KS Cap, Inc.
It Takes a Villageā¦ Early Childhood Collaborative
“It takes a village to raise a child” is an African proverb expressing that an entire community of people must interact with and support children for those children to experience and grow in a safe and healthy environment. Children don’t come with instructions! That is why it is crucial to use all the tools and resources at our disposal to help children develop healthily and resiliently in every aspect of their lives.
Because of these facts, the ITAV project utilizes over 20 agencies, programs, and organizations to offer evidence-based, collaborative services to at-risk families and children (birth to age 5) by providing coordinated supports including early childhood screenings, mental health consultations, parent educator training, childcare provider professional development, andpreschool scholarships to foster healthy development, build strong family connections, and promote early learning.
Parent Education
FACT, Inc. sponsors Parent/Educator Education classes, workshops, and/or training throughout the county which are usually focused on the Conscious Discipline Model by Becky Bailey. Most of these classes are approved for KDHE training hours.
Conscious Discipline is a proven, comprehensive approach that empowers you with skills that create a safe, connected, problem-solving environment for families.
Click here to view a video about Conscious Discipline.
Dolly Parton Imagination Library
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is a book gifting program that mails free books to children from birth to age five in participating communities within the United States and around the world. With the vision to foster a love of reading among preschool children and their families, the program has mailed over 142 million books to participating children. FACT and the Marion County Early Childhood Task Force are proud to be a chapter in this incredible program.