Families and Communities Together, Inc.
FACT is to facilitate collaborative action to improve lives in Marion County. FACT, in partnership with churches, agencies, and schools, provides early childhood programs, substance abuse prevention programs, anti-poverty programs, and the FACT Family Financial Assistance Fund (FFAF). The FFAF provides families and children with resources including financial assistance in emergency situations, holiday support (food and gifts for children), school supplies, diapers, etc….where there is a need, we help! We also specialize in referral services for families, plugging them into services within the county.
FACT provides oversight and leadership for local community coalitions and/or task forces including the Marion County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition (SAPC). FACT also started the Marion County Early Childhood Task Force (ECTF) in the early 2000’s which continues to be a model task force across the state of Kansas.We are proud to be a consistent program serving Marion County while continuously working to address core problems by facilitating collaborative action and establishing task forces when there is a need.
FACT has also been successful since 1999 in the grant writing sector. Marion County has benefitted by almost $2.5 million dollars from our program funds. We would not be able to acquire this success without the school districts, county, and community support in partnerships and funding. THANK YOU for all past, present, and future contributions!!! FACT Board and Officers